I’ve created this framework for working towards a healthy, balanced life. If you’re diet-conscious & exercise regularly, but you don’t ENJOY your approach to food & fitness, good habits won’t stick.info14947496 days ago0 min read
Whether or not you feel symptoms during (peri)menopause, your body IS changing, & your workouts need to, too. Shift from intense cardio to strength & variety, with a focus on nutrition & recovery.
When you are a female over 40, exercise can feel like a chore. Maybe you feel tired, unmotivated, or “lazy”, but there’s more to it than that. Hormonal changes plus life demands make everything harder
We often spend too much time trying to please other people or being someone that we think we “should” be. But this deprives us of living our own joy, and being content with life. Happiness is freedom.